Narraguagus Trail Riders
(ATV & Snowmobile)
2023-2024 Membership application (July 1 to June 30)
_____ $35 - Primary membership (includes family & children under 18 living in same household)
______$20 - Associate Membership- Must have a Primary membership with another club that is a member of ATV Maine or Maine Snowmobile Association
______ $50 – Supporting Business Member (contact club for more info)
____NEW ______ RENEWAL
Please Print clearly
NAME: __________________________________________________________________________
ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________________________
TOWN_____________________________ STATE__________________ ZIP CODE ____________
PHONE ____________________________ EMAIL: _______________________________________
FAMILY MEMBERS_________________________________________________________________
Member of another ATV or Snowmobile Club ___NO ___YES
If yes are they a member of ATV Maine ___YES ___N0 ---Maine Snowmobile Assoc: ____YES ____NO
NAME of CLUB: _____________________________________________________________________
Areas of Interest: ______ Trail Work Any Equipment _____NO ____YES Type: _________________
________Landowner Relations _____ Safety Training _____ Board/Committees
_____ Officers _______ Fundraising _____Activities/Events ___ Help where needed
I understand that by signing this form, my membership can be discontinued at any time the club or its officers have reason to believe that I or a member of my family operates an ATV irresponsibly so that it endangers the landowner/club relationship or it is believed that the operator could cause harm to another individual. My membership is non-refundable and it is intended to hold the Narraguagus Trail Riders Club from all liabilities resulting from my involvement with the club.
SIGNATURE: _________________________________________________ DATE: _____ /_____/_____
Meetings: First Monday of Month @ 7:00 PM at Clubhouse 334 Ridge Rd. Cherryfield
Please Join at our next meeting or mail this form to: Narraguagus Trail Riders
PO Box 453
Cherryfield, ME 04622
Tread Lightly and Ride Safe On Public and Private Lands
Membership includes $3500 life and dismemberment insurance to all primary members and their immediate family including supporting business members